Table Tennis
Jamboree Guidelines
1. Table Tennis is a mixed-gender sport.
2. There is no limit how many players a school may send to a jamboree.
3. Games should be scheduled between 10-15 minutes. Each player should be scheduled for three games in any combination of singles and doubles.
4. Rules of Emphasis - Singles
a. Players will determine who serves first using rock-paper-scissors.
b. Those players capable of using a legal serve are expected to use one:
i. Ball held in the palm of an open hand
ii. Ball is struck from behind the back edge of the table
iii. Ball touches the service side, then the opponent’s side
iv. Each player will serve 2 consecutive serves
v. Ball can be served anywhere on the opponent’s side
c. Those players not capable of using a legal serve should use a “fault / double fault” system (similar to tennis)
i. First serve should aim to use a legal serve (see above)
ii. If the first serve is unsuccessful, then the second serve can be a drop onto the table and hit to the opponent’s side.
d. Team coaches are expected to use this rule in the spirit of the M.S. philosophy.
e. Players may play as many games to 11 points (win by 2 points) as possible in the time allocated.
f. Players will change ends of the table after each game has finished.
5. Rules of Emphasis - Doubles
a. Players will determine who serves first using rock-paper-scissors.
b. Service rules are the same as Singles except:
i. The ball must always be served diagonally from the right hand side to the left hand side of the table.
ii. Player A serves 2 times to Player C
iii. Player C then serves 2 times to Player B
iv. Player B then serves 2 times to Player D, etc.
v. Note: The player who receives the serves becomes the new server (their opponents switch sides of the table).
c. Players capable are expected to alternate hits.
d. Players not capable are encouraged to alternate hits, but are not expected to do so. However, this is a rule that should be taught and will be enforced in tournament, not jamboree.
e. Players will play as many games to 11 points (win by 2 points) as possible in the time allocated.
f. Players will change ends of the table after each game has finished.
Tournament Guidelines
For developmental tournaments, players will adhere to all expectations at jamborees. Each match should conclude with a handshake by all players. Below are the rules of emphasis:
Tournament Set-up
The following tournaments will be held on the final Saturday of the season:
Boys Singles
Girls Singles
Boys Doubles
Girls Doubles
All tournaments will be single elimination.
Players and teams will play the best out of three.
All games will go to 11 points.
Each school will be permitted a maximum of six entries for both singles tournaments and two entries for both doubles tournaments (four players for each gender).
Teams will rank their own players and the players will be slotted in the bracket at their school’s predetermined bracket position.
Each bracket will consist of four quadrants with matchups based on seeding from each school.
If a school does not fill all singles or doubles slots, the opposing team will advance in the bracket via forfeit.
No player may be in both the singles and doubles tournaments.
The following points will be awarded in all four brackets:
1st place - 10 points
2nd place - 8 points
3rd place - 6 points
4th place - 4 points
The school with the most points from the boys tournaments will be declared the boys team champion.
The school with the most points from the girls tournaments will be declared the girls team champion.
Tiebreakers for placement:
Highest advancement of individual players of tied teams from singles bracket
Highest advancement of individual players of tied teams from doubles bracket
Certificates will be awarded to the top four finishers in each tournament.
All-KAIAC Awards will be presented to the top four finishers as well as additional players as described below:
The champion and runner-up team will get a minimum of two awards.
All other schools will get a minimum of one award.
If the above criteria are met due to players finishing in the top four, then the school will not receive any additional awards.
If the above criteria is not met due to players not finishing in the top four, schools will get additional awards to reach their minimum number of awards based on their placement.
Plaques will be awarded to the Boys Team Champion and the Girls Team Champion.
Rules of Emphasis
Serving - Singles
If the ball is served and makes contact with the net and lands on the opponent’s side of the table, it is a let, and the point is replayed.
There are no limits on the number of lets.
Ball held in the palm of an open hand
Ball is struck from behind the back edge of the table.
Ball touches the service side, then the opponent’s side
Each player will serve 2 consecutive serves
If the score is tied 10-10, players will alternate serves.
Ball can be served anywhere on the opponent’s side
Serving - Doubles service rules are the same as Singles except:
The ball must always be served diagonally from the right hand side to the left hand side of the table.
The player who receives the serves becomes the new server (their opponents switch sides of the table).
Each player will serve 2 consecutive serves before changing servers.
Player A serves 2 times to Player C
Player C then serves 2 times to Player B
Player B then serves 2 times to Player D, etc.
Note: The player who receives the serves becomes the new server (their opponents switch sides of the table).
If the score is tied 10-10, teams will alternate each serve.
Alternating Hits - doubles players must alternate hits. Violations result in a point for the opposing team.
Disputes - players will referee their own matches. If unable to resolve, they will call over a coach. If a dispute remains, the point will be replayed.
Changing Ends - players will change ends of the table after each game has finished.