Jamboree Guidelines
1. Basketball is a gender-specific sport.
2. Rosters for teams should be approximately 8-10 players. Teams may have more, but for fairness to the players, having a squad of ten or fewer ensures players more opportunity to play.
3. Players on the Court: five and all players are expected to have numbers on their uniform. Teams without numbers will be required to wear numbered pinnies.
4. Players can only play on one team. When teams have a shortage of players, players from other teams may be used. As much as possible, those players should be limited to one extra game outside of their assigned team.
5. Teams: B teams are generally for grade 6 students and/or absolute beginners. Schools should expect other B teams to be mostly 6th grade students. To win games is not one of the reasons to play in the B division. The remaining girls and boys will be assigned to A teams. Any student can be on A teams.
6. Games will be 25 minutes with a minimum of 5 minutes between games. Each team will be scheduled for three games at each jamboree.
7. All baskets will count as 2 points and free throws will count as 1 point each. If a court has an official 3-point line on both ends, then 3-pointers are allowed.
8. A jump ball will open the game. Jump ball situations will award possession on an alternating basis after the opening jump ball.
9. Rules of Emphasis
a. No double dribble
b. No traveling
c. No obvious reaching in
d. No carrying the ball (for better players)
e. No unnecessary roughness
f. Backcourt violations may be called if lines are marked or obviously a violation.
g. Zone presses are illegal (only man-to-man defense allowed) - first violation results in a warning; second violation results in a foul shot awarded to the offensive team
h. No Full-court Press/Defense once possession is clearly established on change of possessions (Girls’ B teams only; discretion of referee). Additional clarifications:
i. “A teams and B Boys’ teams” may play defense in the backcourt on live change of possessions (turnovers, missed shots). Defense must remain man-to- man. No defense in backcourt on all out-of-bounds plays.
ii. All teams may engage the offense in the backcourt if employing a stall tactic or refusing to cross half-court.
iii. If the ball is brought into the front court and is deflected into the backcourt, the defense may continue applying pressure in the backcourt
i. Obvious 3-second rule - students standing under the basket for an inappropriate length of time (needs stricter enforcement); referees can give verbal warnings during play to reinforce this rule
j. No moving screen - the person setting the screen must have both feet firmly planted on the floor
k. Fouls
i. Non-shooting fouls - the team that is fouled gets the ball out of bounds.
ii. Shooting foul
1. On a made basket: basket counts and fouled player is awarded a free throw.
2. On a missed basket: the fouled player is awarded two free throws.
3. Flagrant fouls: these should be rare, but strictly enforced if the intent is to foul the player without any attempt to go for the ball. An example would be a hard two-handed shove in the back as a player is going up for a layup. The consequences are:
a. On a made basket: the basket counts and the fouled player is awarded a free throw. The fouled team retains possession of the ball.
b. On a missed basket: the fouled player gets two free throws and the fouled team retains possession.
c. Furthermore, the fouling player should be removed from the game immediately and would not be eligible to return for the remainder of that game. It is at the coach’s discretion if that player can play the next game.
iii. All free throws will take place immediately after the foul is committed. Up to six players, three from each team, can line up around the free throw lane. However, if the foul is flagrant, no players will line up and the fouled team retains possession.
iv. Fouls on specific players will not be recorded.
v. If a referee notices one player is continually fouling, a warning should be issued to the coach; if the problem persists that player will be removed from the current game.
l. Substitutions
i. Players will report to a designated area between the two teams; teams must be on the same sideline of the court.
ii. Substitutions should occur primarily on dead balls.
iii. The referee may call for substitutions on a made basket if they have been waiting a long time.
KAIAC Championship Guidelines
i. Each school will determine the eligibility for the members of its team. Teams may have a maximum of 12 players. All players are expected to have numbers on their uniform. Teams without numbers will be required to wear numbered pinnies.
ii. Games will be 25 minutes in length: two 12-minute halves and 1-minute halftime.
iii. Preliminary round games tied at the end of regulation will not have any overtime. Results will be recorded as ties.
iv. Elimination round games tied at the end of regulation will have a two-minute overtime period. If teams remain tied at the end of a two-minute overtime, play will continue into sudden death without any stoppage due to the game clock. First team to score any points into sudden death will be declared the winner.
v. Games will have a running clock, except when a timeout has been called. Each team can take a 1-minute timeout during games.
a. Each team can take a 1-minute timeout during overtime. (May 2023)
vi. Clock will remain stopped after a timeout until the ball is live.
vii. Where clock operators are available, time will stop in the last two minutes of the second half on all dead ball situations.
viii. Mercy Rule (May 2023)
a. If a team is winning by 20 or more points with two minutes remaining in the second half, the clock will not stop for dead ball situations.
i. If the margin reaches 10 points or less, the clock will again stop for dead ball situations.
ix. Results will be recorded on a whiteboard or other visible display throughout pool play.
x. A jump ball will open the game. Jump balls situations will award possession on an alternating basis after the opening jump ball.
xi. All baskets will count as 2 points and free throws will count as 1 point each. If a court has an official 3-point line on both ends, then 3-pointers are allowed.
xii. All free throws will take place immediately after the foul is committed. A maximum of six players will line up around the key for free throws. However, if the foul is flagrant, players will not line up and the fouled team retains possession.
xiii. Fouls on players will not be recorded.
a. Rules of Emphasis
i. No double dribble.
ii. No traveling
iii. No obvious reaching in
iv. No carrying the ball
v. No unnecessary roughness
vi. Backcourt violations will be called.
vii. Backcourt defense: Man-to-man backcourt pressure is allowed at KAIAC Championship at any time. Double-team press is not allowed in the backcourt at any time.
viii. Zone defense of any kind is illegal (only man-to-man defense allowed) - first violation results in a warning; second violation results in a free throw awarded to the offensive team
ix. No moving screen - the person setting the screen must have both feet firmly planted on the floor
x. 3-second rule should be strictly enforced
xi. Fouls
1. Non-shooting fouls - the team that is fouled gets the ball out of bounds.
a. Any non-shooting foul that occurs with under two minutes remaining in the second half will result in two free throws. (May 2023)
i. Only applies in elimination games.
ii. Does not apply if the mercy rule is in effect.
2. Shooting foul
a. On a made basket: basket counts and fouled player is awarded a free throw.
b. On a missed basket: the fouled player is awarded two free throws.
c. Flagrant fouls: these should be rare, but strictly enforced if the intent is to foul the player without any attempt to go for the ball. An example would be a hard two-handed shove in the back as a player is going up for a layup. The consequences are:
i. On a made basket: the basket counts and the fouled player is awarded a free throw. The fouled team retains possession of the ball.
ii. On a missed basket: the fouled player gets two free throws and the fouled team retains possession.
3. Flagrant foul (consequence for fouling player): the fouling player should be removed from the game immediately and would not be eligible to return for the remainder of that game. It is at the coach’s discretion if that player can play the next game.
4. Excessive fouling - if a referee notices one player is continually fouling, a warning should be issued to the coach; if the problem persists that player will be removed from only the game in question.
5. If a player is called for an unsportsmanlike violation (e.g. spiking the ball, inappropriate language), the player will receive a technical foul. The opposing team will be awarded a free throw and possession of the ball out of bounds.
b. Substitutions
i. Players will report to a designated area between the two teams; teams must be on the same sideline of the court.
ii. Substitutions should occur primarily on dead balls. A made basket does not constitute a dead ball.
iii. The referee may call for substitutions on a made basket if they have been waiting a long time.
iv. Notify referee of substitutions.